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Designed for Artists

Supraconscious breakthrough
through the "science" of acting.

Explore the Genius within You.

Maria Olon Tsaroucha 28

Ιnstructor Maria Olon Tsaroucha,
the author of Amazon’s best seller «Supraconscious—The Genius within You»

PAD logo

Perceptual Acting and Directing (PAD) theory and method educates the New Man of the New Civilization of the 21st century.

Perception, clarity and Intelligence are the main components of a Genius.

How to conquer radical resilience. The power that thrives inside you to be authentic with extreme situations in life.

A Master class dedicated to build the soul / mind / body relationship. To discover Who You Are beyond role identities in life, empowering your unique personality through the philosophy of quantum physics, knowledge of Ethos method, meditation, innovative psychology theories, the use language, neuroscience, creative writing and the “science” of acting.

Academies are detailed deepening of knowledge on how to become a Supraconscious Human based on Perceptual Acting and Directing Theory and Method that last for months.


Maria olon masterclass artist epidaurus

Duration: 3 days

At a time when the arts and sciences are converging more than ever, PAD is merging theories of quantum physics with the famous Actors Studio method into a new harmony. New levels of understanding are constructed, beyond “technique and analysis” to “experience and the existing”.

PAD provides a system for translating the wealth of experiences within us and for frame-by-frame expression of artistic experience.

With techniques such as:

  • the “fifth wall”
  • the development of  emotional memory
  • the free correlation of intuitive psychoanalysis
  • the concept of “synchronization with vibrations”
  • experience and the senses
  • the “triangle of awareness”
  • the “transactional theory of personality “
  • the” diary of the observer / observed “

inspired by quantum theory, a solid method emerges for the awakening of the actor.

It is not just a set of techniques but also a new path, using imagination, empathy and self-knowledge to answer fundamental existential questions, helping artists to remain authentic and present during the creative process, reminding them that the transition to another level of consciousness is always possible and real, leading to the transcendental performance of the artist.

The Superconscious artist connects with an infinite force of enormous intelligence beyond his physical self, experiencing the bliss of the true self, the source of the soul.

As today’s theater advances with its actors, artists, and audiences through the birth pangs of the twenty-first century, we must reflect on the sacred kernels of life that simmer in each and every one of our human souls. As artists, in our practice, we must encourage honest laughter to embrace the joy of our comic natures and more than proffer a tear or two in light of life’s tragic moments. Still, we see this evolution as merely a stepping-stone for the new art, developed through new pedagogies, like PAD, that probe the desires that lie beyond the heart, beyond the mind, and that reach for the stars—to that uncharted territory known as the light of the human soul.

—Coni Ciongoli Koepfinger playwright,

MA, Carnegie Mellon University

Maria olon academy actor

Duration: 6 months

At a time when the arts and sciences are converging more than ever, P.A.D. is merging theories of quantum physics with the famous Actors Studio method into a new harmony. New levels of understanding are constructed, beyond “technique and analysis” to “experience and the existing”.

The Superconscious artist connects with an infinite force of enormous intelligence beyond his/her physical self, experiencing the bliss of the true self, the source of the soul.

P.A.D. provides a system for translating the wealth of experiences within us and for frame-by-frame expression of artistic experience. It is a unique tool for taming  features of self-education because it can simulate real life and experience and tackle issues in a way that is impossible with other learning systems.

With techniques such as:

  • Detailed Method acting training using theories, exercises and the System by Stanford Meisner, Uta Hagen, Lee Strasberg, Konstantin Stanislavsky, Stella Adler
  • The Actor’s frames
  • Actor-Director Quantum Leap of fait
  • The Actor’s new ID
  • The Actor’s Ethos System
  • The exploration of the observer and the observed
  • Exploring your senses and redirect the use of language
  • Achieving your sixth sense
  • The knowledge of what is your Internal map
  • Conquer your subconscious
  • Ego, Subconscious and Higher self
  • Me, You and Society
  • The Empathy triangle
  • Perception vs Synchronization and Vise Versa
  • Visualizations for Actors
  • The Observer’s Diary
  • the fifth wall
  • the development of  emotional memory
  • the free correlation of intuitive psychoanalysis
  • the concept of “synchronization with vibrations”
  • the triangle of awareness
  • the transactional theory of personality
  • dimensions in theatre

inspired by quantum theory, a solid method emerges for the awakening of the actor.

It is not just a set of techniques but also a new path, using imagination, empathy and self-knowledge to answer fundamental existential questions, helping artists to remain authentic and present during the creative process, reminding them that the transition to another level of consciousness is always possible and real, leading to the transcendental performance of the artist.

The Superconscious artist connects with an infinite force of enormous intelligence beyond his physical self, experiencing the bliss of the true self, the source of the soul.

As today’s theater advances with its actors, artists, and audiences through the birth pangs of the twenty-first century, we must reflect on the sacred kernels of life that simmer in each and every one of our human souls. As artists, in our practice, we must encourage honest laughter to embrace the joy of our comic natures and more than proffer a tear or two in light of life’s tragic moments Still, we see this evolution as merely a stepping-stone for the new art, developed through new pedagogies, like PAD, that probe the desires that lie beyond the heart, beyond the mind, and that reach for the stars—to that uncharted territory known as the light of the human soul.

—Coni Ciongoli Koepfinger playwright,

MA, Carnegie Mellon University


Private lessons with Maria

Duration: Tailor made

Every artist needs a mentor in life.

A basic principle in your training as an Ηuman being is the ability to steer the two primary forces within you, which are the inner grasp of consciousness and the greater goal of the higher self. In this manner, you connect yourself to existence. By trusting your intuition in all moments of your life, you effortlessly allow this enlightenment to exist within you. This knowledge needs to be understood within the unity of thought that will manage to come closer to the big questions of who you are on and off stage, together with the most innovative method for artists.

Together we will build the artistic Genius mindset that will give you the unity of thought in all the thoughts, decisions and actions of your life and for your art. You will receive individual guidance with  PAD theory and method presented at the 3-month Academy for Artists on how to transform yourself and become the best version you could ever be based on your needs and desires.   

Art is a never-ending self work  to acquire self-actualization for transcendental performances and fulfillment.

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