Supraconscious You

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Speaking &
Media Requests

Media Inquiries

Interviews in all forms, such as summits, podcasts, documentaries, online and live events of any kind, public speaking etc.

Public Speaking

(Live, In-person speaking events only)

Supraconscious You: USA

+1 929.525.9047

Public programs

  • 1. Standard keynote (1-3 hours)
  • 2. Full day workshop (typical 8 hrs)
  • 3. Groups ( 6 months)
  • 4. Mentorship One to One (8 months)

Can be tailored to audience need.

Corporate programs (may be keynote or full day)

In-house tailor-made training and professional development delivered across all industries. With your managers and HR people we define your organization needs and design an evolutionary awareness experience for your staff.

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