About Maria Olon Tsaroucha

Ηello dear seeker,
my name is Maria
I am an artist, researcher, educator, author, a prolific thinker.
For the last eighteen years of my life, I have been researching philosophical systems that study human nature, personal development, and consciousness. It all started when I realized that I had been living a life, I did not choose consciously. A life imposed by family and society and outdated belief systems. I was an inspirational wife model and a successful actor and director, still, I broke all illusionary frameworks that wanted me to adapt, realizing that wasn’t me! I was a champion in a world I did not belong to. One night the subconscious mind suddenly woke me up. I felt disconnected and yet more connected than ever. To what? A voice has spoken to me saying “Who are you?”.
That was the turning point. That was the rebirth.
A year after, I was a single mother, with no alimony, experienced financial bankruptcy, almost lost my house, desperate and depressed, not knowing back then, that my transformation from caterpillar to butterfly had begun.
The moment of truth that all of us have to confront in this lifetime.
Who am I? What is my purpose? What is my deepest need and desire?
That was the beginning of my adult, conscious self-journey. I knew everything about theatre, acting, directing, and writing. The cross point was a moment of awe, I experienced on stage, that questioned my sanity and had me wonder what the heck is going on in my mind? “I have to find out! Ι need to know”. I spent years studying meditations and eastern philosophy, joined all different self-awareness and neuroscience courses, and studied the Greeks, the philosophical quest was in my DNA, anyway. I am Greek. Quantum physics was the big revelation. It connected the pieces of the puzzle to master higher consciousness. I was becoming the vessel of “something” bigger than I will ever be. No one ever taught me how to be the authentic me.
It wasn’t until I nearly lost my son to addiction, that I truly overcame the fear of death. The terror of losing my child transformed me into a butterfly, when I understood mastering this path could transform my son’s life. I lit the way on his path so that he could view himself as never before. He was saved. He is now a healthy, young man!
I even succeeded in attaining the American dream. I moved to the USA with six thousand Euros in my bank account, three pieces of luggage, two youngsters, my dog, and my cat. There were so many obstacles I had to go through. I left my home country, the love of my life at the time, to pursue a better life for my son, my daughter, and myself. My pursuit became our driving force, and I became a powerful example for two young people.
The lesson: Your life feels unbearable when she rules without you having the lead. Without you consciously directing it.
After eighteen years of experience, research, and study, being mindful and observing closely human behavior I created Supraconscious You. The vaccine for a life out of the societal imprints into the world of truth and enlightenment, the pursuit of higher consciousness, love, and inner peace, and ultimately success in its desired meaning.
Ι transferred the knowledge into a book.
Today “Supraconscious, the Genius within You” is an Amazon best-seller, has been featured in New York Times Magazine, a Times Square billboard, and is part of numerous enormous consciousness organizations.
I am like you.
The Supraconscious quality lives within you. It is you. The Supraconscious You.
During my years as an artist and researcher, I developed my philosophical and practical approach to a new interpretation of what it means to be the director of your life. I wrote my first book at the age of thirteen and acclaimed to be the youngest Greek author ever. I participated in TEDXAUEB, presenting my work through the performance “Know Thyself: The Eternal Process.” I work on helping vulnerable groups of women and children at war. I am a founding member of the Actor’s Society of the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, an honorary member of the Hellenic Physics Association, a member of the International Society of Female Professional Women, member of the Advisory Futurist Media and Arts Board of Lifeboat Foundation and founding member of Μentoria initiative in Hellas and Know Thyself initiative in New York. I have given master classes and workshops globally to university students, parents, CEOs, educators, and women, for the Supraconscious You concept based on Amazon’s best -seller “Supraconscious, the Genius within you”. My research and study on the supraconscious human began eighteen years ago and is in progress.
Transcending Consciousness is for you who are wise enough to realize that in life there is only one doctrine “KNOW THYSELF” and it is claimed by the Greek philosopher Socrates! That is the MASTERY OF SELF AWARENESS!

Career Highlights
Writing Portfolio | Supraconscious, the Genius Within You, 2020 The Universal Actor: Infinite Characters, Infinite Lives, Infinite Frames, 2018 Translucent Vacant Head, 2011 First Steps, First Thoughts, 1983 Various columns for Greek newspapers and physics scientific magazines. TED X AUEB presenter, “Knowing thyself, the eternal process” Creative Writing and Philosophy of Human consciousness analysis |
Affiliations & Recognitions | Founding Member, Golden Membership of the Actor’s Society of the American Academy of Dramatic Arts Honorary Member & Cultural Representative, Hellenic Physicist Association Honorary Member, NAMA ART TEAM at EPI KOLONO Theater Member, International Society of Female Professional Women Board Member, Green Eyes Production Advisory Member, Futurist Media & Arts Board of Lifeboat Foundation Founding Member, Mentoria Greece Education Union Youngest Greek Writer Award, Antonis Samarakis & Kostas Tahtsis, internationally renowned authors |
Selected Projects
Directing acknowledgment
“Fenomena,” through Greek Union of Physicists; “Abandonment Days,” Elena Ferante’s novel adaptation; “Iraq 9 Parts of Desire,” through Iraq Embassy; “A eis tin n, when the soul meets the universe,” through Greek Union of Physicists; “Dorian Gray Frames,”; “Acropolis of Athens File,” at Acropolis Museum; charity galas and events through Consulat De Cote D’ Ivoire and Tango Acropolis Festival; “Dinner with Mary,” Player’s House, NYC.
Acting acknowledgment
“Lunchbrake,” “Trainspotting,” “Sakura the musical,” “Summer Bet,” “Mala, the Music of the Wind,” “Adam and Eve,” “Bug,” “The Night Porter,” “La Nonna,” “The Missing One, an Indifferent Life,” “Andromache,” “Coriolanus,” “Desire Under the Elms,” “Cat Among the Pigeons,” “The Courageous One,” “Gingerbread Lady,” “The House of Bernarda Alba,” “Saturday, Sunday, Monday,” “Return Engagements,” “Cinders,” “Richard III,” “Rape Among the Belt,” “Twelve Angry Women.”
Film & Television acknowledgment
Full-length films: “Easy Lia,” dir. V. Seitanidis; “Roco vs Cleopatra,” dir. A. Spinoulas; “Koroido en Taxi,” dir. G. Paraskevopoulous; “Delivery,” dir. N. Panagiotopoulous. Television Series: “Stolen Dreams,” ANT; “Medical Confidentiality,” ANT; “Stockbrokers,” ANT; “Wedding Dress Fitting,” MEGA.
Creative acknowledgment
Created Magic Room Theater artistic team; directed and produced multicultural projects through MRT; recorded CD, “Kind Songs,” recorded CD, “Sakura;” performed jazz, soul, swing, and rock on various live music stages; Dramatherapy.